Water is said to be the life of all living creatures on this planet. Water is required not only for drinking but for the purpose of sustenance of life, but it possesses the capability of healing.
Regarding Ayurveda, the intake of hot water is found to be much more beneficial for the maintenance of Agni(fire), better digestion, and balancing the three doshas for which water is said to be best wholesome. It was revealed that in Ayurvedic literature more emphasis is given for internal use of water considering its action directly on jatharagni and tridosha. Jatharagni is considered the digestive fire in Ayurveda. Tridosha is the three energies as Vata, Pita, and Kapha that governs our psychophysiological functions in our state of balance.
It is always advised to drink water wisely. Drinking water just before a meal makes you lean and thin as it decreases the digestive fire (agnimanda). Similarly drinking water just after meal results in indigestion by hampering the action of doshas. This leads to obesity and aggravates kapha dosha in the stomach. However, sipping water in between the meal leads to better digestion of food and healthy body. One should use warm water to drink after having heavy, fatty, or oily food. Even it is beneficial to always prefer lukewarm water to drink as it aids the digestive fire.
At the least it should be strongly recommended to drink 2-3 glasses of warm water 1st thing in the morning for an everyday cleanse. To enhance digestive fire, 1 glass of warm water 1 hour before/after food. By doing this you are incorporating water as a powerful medicine in your life which will soon help you to experience the daily effects of healing.